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Tips All Cat Owners Need To Know


The ancient Egyptians viewed cats as gods. If you glance over at your cat, that isn’t difficult to understand. These creatures are beautiful and elegant, mysterious and fascinating. You can never truly understand a cat, but you can do your best to care for them. Here are some cat tips to assist you in caring for this wonderful animal.

You can make your old cat feel better thanks to a hot tile placed under its bed. Just get a tile and heat it up in the oven for a while to place under the cat’s bed. Keep the temperature of the oven at 200 degrees. Put it inside a cloth and place underneath your feline’s blanket or bed. When the tile cools down, change it out for a fresh, warm one.

If your cat is picky about drinking water, invest in a cat fountain. These battery operated or plug in fountains keep water circulating and aerated. Many cats prefer this. A cat fountain will help keep your cat out of the kitchen sink and the toilet. It will also help prevent your cat from pawing water onto the floor in search of fresh water.

A great toy for your cat is a laser pointer. Cats love to chase the laser around and try to catch it. This will help you give your cat some exercise, while your cat is having fun at the same time. It will also help to fine-tune their hunting skills.

An inexpensive rubber welcome mat helps keep cat food off your floor. This is also a great tool to keep your cat from tracking litter out of the box. Black rubber mats cost about three dollars at dollar stores. Put your cat food dish on one and your litter box on another.

If you cat is pregnant is with babies, you can expect to have a lot of kittens on your hands. Create a comfortable place for the cat to deliver her babies somewhere in your home. Make sure the spot is big enough for the kittens to move around as they grow.

Feed your cats proper food. Remember that cats must eat meat. Only give your cats cat food to eat. Do not feed them or let them eat dog food. Dogs and cats have different nutritional needs and some of the ingredients in dog food could harm your cat. Feeding your cat dog food for food could also lead to malnourishment, among other issues.

If you give your kids a kitten, provide them with firm boundaries at the same time. Make sure your children are aware of rooms that are open to your cat. Make sure that your children know if the cat is strictly an indoor cat. Knowing the rules ahead will help your child understand.

Use your cat to teach your children responsibilities. A pet demands care that the whole family can participate in. Each child can take different day to feed the cat, for instance. Same thing for litterbox care. You can make a schedule and post it on the refrigerator. Then, everyone knows what they are responsible for.

Give serious thought to spaying or neutering your cat. Your vet can give you the pros and cons of both, but if you plan to keep your cat for a long period of time you should consider this operation. Cat overpopulation is a real problem, and you can do your part.

Speak to others about your cat problems. Although you may want to go it alone, it can be helpful to seek advice from other people that have experience owning cats. Your vet is a great source of advice, or you can find forums on the Internet to connect with other cat owners.

When the cat’s litter box starts to become rough and worn at the bottom, it is time to replace it. If you leave it this way, it will cause waste to accumulate in damaged areas. Your cat may be very offended by the odor and decide to use the bathroom somewhere else in the house.

You should keep wet cat food in the refrigerator after it has been opened. Bring it to room temperature before serving it to your cat, because it will smell more enticing to them and be less likely to cause an upset stomach. If you like, place it in the microwave for a bit to warm it up.

Panting is not a normal response for a cat. Panting is dogs is normal. Panting in a cat possibly indicates something serious is going on. It is important to speak to your vet, specifically if your feline has suffered from respiratory issues.

Vet visits are often inevitable, and the bills can quickly pile up. Save money by ordering pet medicines online. Some companies deliver right to your door. This is very convenient for medications, such as monthly flea treatments or heart worm medications.

When listening to your favorite music, keep in mind that your cat’s hearing is much more sensitive than your own. Music with high pitched treble and thumping bass are particularly difficulty for your cat, so keep the volume low. To please your cat and help him relax, play something with a slower tempo.

Make sure that you take your cat for regular vaccinations and check-ups. Getting medical care for your cat is essential for its’ health. Your cat needs to stay up to date on all shots in order for it to be healthy and happy. Regular check-ups will make sure you can spot any health issues before they get out of control.

You may not think your cat is a god, but he probably does! The best you can do is to take care of his health and care for him. Use the advice in this article to take care of your cat in the way he is used to. Even if you never get a thank you, he appreciates it.

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