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Cat Raising Tips, From Kitten To Adulthood


There are lots of reasons why owning a cat is a great idea. They are comforting and relatively independent. However, owning a cat also requires a lot of work on your part. The following article will teach you everything you need to know about proper cat care. Read on and learn.

You should be sure to place your pet’s litter box in a good location. You shouldn’t keep it near your pet’s food, and you shouldn’t keep it in an area people walk through a lot. You should also make sure there is ample ventilation to avoid odors. This will make you and your cat happy.

Find a litter that your cat enjoys. Different litters have different smells and textures, so help your cat to find a litter that he is generally comfortable with using. Cats generally like to keep things the same though, so don’t experiment too often or your cat may avoid the litter box.

If you have a kitten, a very important part of raising him is to get him socialized. This means making sure he is comfortable in many situations. These include: handling by humans, grooming and nail care, vet visits, and other social situations. The time to do this is between ten and twelve weeks of age.

Understand your cat’s sounds. Meowing is a form of communication, often for food or to get your attention. There are other sounds, though. Hissing usually indicates fear or anger, so you should stay away. Cats also make certain sounds when they see prey. This often sounds like a chirp. Purring may indicate contentment, but sometimes it means nervousness.

If you notice that your cat urinates very frequently, you should take it to the vet. This is likely to be something that should be looked after. Most of the time, these conditions can be resolved with relatively affordable antibiotic treatments.

Playtime is important for kittens as well as older cats. The best games are those that involve hunting and chasing. Try to think like your cat, choosing toys like feathers on string. The cat is attracted to the movement of the toy, so he will love to chase it if you pull it along without him seeing you. It is important to let your pet win occasionally, to keep him interested.

If your cat is pregnant, make sure she has plenty of room to give birth. The process generally takes about three hours, so you must exercise patience. Bring your cat to her vet immediately if six hours have passed without all the kittens coming out.

It might seem like a little much for an animal, but you should comb your cat’s hair as often as possible. Combing the hair helps prevent the cat from licking loose fur and building a furball to spit up later. Different cats shed at different rates and some require a lot more maintenance than others.

If you are bringing a new kitten into a home with one or more cats, purchase an extra litter box so that your other cats do not have to share right away. It may take some time for your established cats to become used to the new scent in the house.

To keep your cat using the litter box, always keep it clean. No matter what kind of scented or special formula litters you may use, nothing is a substitute for removing clumps and used litter several times a day. Keep your litter box in a quiet area of your home.

Once your cat starts to age, they may have to go to the vet more often than they did before. To make sure that your senior cat is in optimal health, you should take him to see the vet at least twice a year. Make sure that you follow any advice given to you during the visit.

Feed your kitten a variety of cat foods to avoid a finicky cat later. Pick different textures and different brands on a regular basis and your kitten will learn to enjoy new tastes. This can also avoid feeding problems if your usual brand is no longer available in your area.

Equip your cat with a collar and tag as soon as possible. Cats can escape. If your cat gets lost, your chances of getting it back will be much higher if she has a collar and a tag.

While Christmas seems like a great time for gifting a cat, it isn’t, because there is so much stuff going on. Try taking your kid to a shelter or pet store so that they can choose their pet.

Some cats have aversions to certain types of litter. If you find that your cat is not using their litter box, try switching the type of cat litter that you are using. Only do this if there is a problem. Cats do not like change. The cat may stop using the litter box if you change the type of litter you use.

Do not turn your cat into a vegetarian. Even though you may not believe in it or eat it yourself, cats need to it live. Taurine is a mineral in meat that affects the heart and sight. Your cat’s diet should be rich in proteins.

Do you want to know if your cat is happy or not? Check out their tail. If the tail is standing up, they are happy. If the tail is moving back and forth quickly, don’t mess with them. This will help you avoid any unpleasant encounters with your little feline friend.

If your cat ventures outdoors regularly, always check him when he comes back in. Make sure his fur is free from mats and his skin is free from bites or scratches. If you do find such problems, tend to them immediately or visit your veterinarian if necessary. This is essential to helping your cat maintain a healthy life.

As was mentioned earlier in this article, there are many benefits to owning a cat. However, every cat owner should understand what it takes to take care of your feline friend. Be sure and use the advice given above and both you and your cat are sure to live happily together for years to come.

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