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Have A Happy And Healthy Kitty Using These Top Tips


A cat’s purr is one of the most satisfying sounds you can hear. Cats often purr when they are relaxed and content, and it can make you feel great, too. That’s why it’s best to keep your cat happy by properly caring for him. To make that purr an every day occurrence, follow these important tips.

As your cat gets older, changes in behavior may signal pain. If your cat doesn’t like to jump or climb any more, it may be in pain. If your cat stops taking care of grooming or stops using its litter box, pain may be the cause. Be sure to have your older cat checked out by your vet if you notice behavior changes.

Keep the litter box clean. Cats are naturally very clean animals, and a dirty litter box will have your cat looking for alternative places to relieve himself. Cats also value their privacy, so try to locate the box in an area that does not get a lot of foot traffic.

If you want to let your cat outside, think again. It might not be safe for your cat to go outdoors. There is a chance your cat can contract fleas or perhaps something much worse. Cats can also be hunted by other animals, stolen or hit by passing vehicles. If you think your pet needs to go outside, think about enclosing a back patio with metal mesh or some type of heavy screen to keep your cat inside, yet allow them to experience the outdoors.

Find a litter that your cat enjoys. Different litters have different smells and textures, so help your cat to find a litter that he is generally comfortable with using. Cats generally like to keep things the same though, so don’t experiment too often or your cat may avoid the litter box.

Have patience with your cat. Remember that your cat is not a dog, and may not be as easily trainable as one. However, if you are being clear in your commands and gently encouraging them, you’ll find that your cat responds the way you want him to. Just be patient.

Make sure to give your cats different types of food so that they aren’t as finicky. If you feed them only one type of food, they may refuse to eat anything else. However, stick with the same brand, and just vary the flavors because cats can have stomach problems if you vary the food too much.

When you introduce a new cat into your home, you have to be careful with how your other cat reacts. Try giving the new cat a little space in one room at first, and then introduce him to the rest of the house. Make sure to have different litter boxes at first too. If you ease the new cat in, it will go more smoothly for everyone.

Just as important as it is to take care of your own teeth, you need to take care of your cats as well. Cats can develop tarter and plaque build-up over time. Purchasing a toothbrush and toothpaste made specially for felines is a great way to keep your cats teeth clean and healthy.

If you’ve just met a cat, don’t look at them in their eyes. Cats do not like being stared at by people they don’t know. That’s why they are more comfortable if you are not looking at them. They are more likely to approach you that way, and more likely to kindly regard you in the future.

Sometime a second cat will calm a single destructive cat. This seems counter-intuitive, asking for twice the destruction, but a second cat can give them both something to do. Introduce them slowly and expect some initial squabbles. After a while, though, the cats will usually get along and the destructive behavior will subside.

When taking your cat or kitten to the vet, or to other places that involve a car ride, it is wise to socialize him to this situation. Try taking your cat, always in a carrier, on short rides, adding time to the ride every so often. Getting your pet used to the car can mean the end of his fear and frustration, as well as yours.

Buy a pet drinking fountain to prevent dehydration. Cats are attracted to running water, so a pet drinking fountain may help to encourage your cat to drink more. Proper hydration can cure and prevent a large number of feline health problems. Therefore, a pet drinking fountain could improve the health of your cat and reduce vet bills.

Some foods are not permissible to serve to your cat. Examples include garlic, grapes, green tomatoes and onions. If your cat eats these foods, he may become sick or even die. Your cat should also steer clear of dairy products.

Encourage your child to play with cats by using toys, not by using their fingers and hands. Choose toys that put distance between the child’s hands and the cat’s teeth and claws. During a vigorous play session, an excited kitten is more likely to accidentally scratch its playmate’s skin. For example, you might use a long wand-type toy with a dangling feather or bell.

A happy cat is more likely to purr, which is why any cat owner wants to take the best possible care of their cat. Cats have qualities that no other animal can match, and the tips in this article make it easy to keep your cat in top shape. Use these tips to make sure your cat stays happy and healthy.

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